Intervision Foundation

InterVision is a foundation that organizes special projects for youngster and their families with that extra need.

Promoting a healthy life-style is combined with learning about nature, as well as simply having fun together!

Working as a developmental psychologist for many years, drs. Alexandra van Luijken-Halley, founded InterVision. Besides Alexandra, the leading team of the foundation consist of Ms. Wendy Visser, educational specialist and drs. Carmencita Chemont, clinical psychologist.

girl feeds duck
girl feeding a duck

The projects are focusing mainly on the youth, developing social skills and learning about the importance of nature and the protection of the environment.

  • Nature Explorer
    bringing knowledge and experiencing nature first hand with an interactive program, for children from 8-12 years.
  • Educational Guidance
    offering special tutoring to children with difficulties with learning.
  • Therapeutic Horseback Riding
    this specialized variation of animal assisted therapy is proven to be very effective. The program is directed towards persons with a mental or physical disability and for children with behavioral problems. Our horses offer a wonderful addition to the skills and physical possibilities of all participants.

The special projects are always looking for financial support through businesses, clubs and funding agencies. We welcome donations at any time. If you might be interested to become a volunteer and join in one of the projects, please let us know.

Contact Intervision

Intervision can be reached through the “Love of Kids” Foundation in St Maarten and APAP SXM.